Wondering what other students have found valuable in the course? Below are a testimonials from a few of my previous students from WRTG 3090: Storytelling through New Media.
Student’s Name | Semester(s) | What did you find most valuable about your learning experience in the class? |
Craig S. | Fall 2013 | Amy Goodloe is a phenomenal instructor. She helped everyone in the class navigate their own stories and discover the means to share them. She doesn’t shy away from tense topics, revels in the importance of personal discovery, and supports her students in all aspects. Her instruction style is highly organized, casual, and concise. We all reached a level of comfort during the course to discover new ways to tell stories, and new ways to view others’ stories.
I loved the focus on peer interaction – it was the perfect balance between sharing, learning, and creating. |
Ryan E. | Fall 2014 | I took a lot of valuable classes at CU, and this one was definitely one of them. This course provided hundreds of little doorways into different realms of digital media, essentially allowing one to poke his or her head inside to take a look to see if it was something they would be interested in. If so, Amy provided the tools and resources for that student to dive in head first.
One of our course sections was verbal storytelling. I took to it immediately, and Amy gave me the resources and inspiration to create and perform my own “Moth” style story. Since I took the class, I have become heavily involved with the MOTH, performing and volunteering with the organization. Last March, I won a storyslam in Seattle, and will have the chance to compete for a paid trip to perform in New York City. I will be forever grateful towards Amy and this class for getting me going with the MOTH. |
Rachel E. | Spring 2015 | Amy was an excellent professor. Her love for the class was apparent. She had us read a book called shimmering images which exponentially helped my writing. I was so pleased to learned about the different kinds of websites to crest comics as well and have continued to use them. When your teacher is passionate about the material and excited it makes you excited. I always loved coming next to her class. She made herself extremely available to students. She worked hard to teach not tell. I felt comfortable to share my work because Amy created a nurturing classroom environment where I didnt feel judged. |
Sammie E. | Spring 2015 | Amy genuinely cares about her students and writing is clearly her passion. her passion exudes in how much time she spends on creating course materials as well as covering it in class. she takes such pride in knowing students, helping improve their class experience, and trying to encourage learning. |
Elizabeth H. | Fall 2014
(also took WRTG 3020 with Amy in Spring 2015) |
Amy understands that her students learn in vastly different ways, and she does not try to cater to one style of learning. She oftentimes allows her students to dictate how to go about assignments, which allows our creativity to soar and our personal growth, academic curiosity and knowledge about ourselves to increase, as well. I love being given broad project assignments and finding a niche or a topic within the requirements to do something really creative and informative. I love that Amy looks at the quality of our work and guides us when we ask for help, but ultimately allows us to create and learn the way we feel best suits us. |
Collin B. | Fall 2014
(also took WRTG 3020 with Amy in Fall 2013) |
Rhetoric of Gender and Sexuality (WRTG 3020) was very helpful in introducing me to new ideas of gender and sexuality while taking advantage of modern media. The focus of the class was predominantly concentrated on the progressive ideas of gender and sexuality representation in everyday life. Stereotypes, labels and casts that we accept as societal norms were analyzed and questioned. This questioning really opened my eyes to how much of everyday life we accept with out asking why. Combined with the use of blogs and group discussion, this class was really a great experience in being able to share ideas about the rhetoric of gender and sexuality.
Storytelling through New Media (WRTG 3090) further enhanced my critical thinking skills and applied them to storytelling. Throughout the semester we learned what elements make up a good story and learned how to enhance our own stories through the use of storytelling techniques and new media. We learned many new media applications and applied them to each of our own stories. WRTG 3090 made me think about what really makes a good story and how to create my own. With the skills of new media applications and the learned storytelling techniques, I am able to tell my own stories that are worth listening to. |